Flickr speaks German

Flickr speaks German, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

Sooo German

Sooo German, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

But yet I am favorite deli in Chelsea. They even put some little stickers on the back of the chocolate to tell the americans that there is some day in it.

New Years Party 2007

Saint At Large New Years 2007, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

Saint At Large New Years 2007. It was a blast!


Cloverfield, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

With beautiful Gabriel

Fashionistas at work

Fashionistas at work, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

Finale of supermodels

Finale of supermodels, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

With Curtis on his birthday. He rocks!


Pre-approved, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

Getting there.....

First time I screamed in a movie

But Carl did too. We saw "I am legend"

The happy couple

The happy couple, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

Plus one

Chrysler building

Chrysler building, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

On the 27th floor. How amazingly cool!

Matthew rocks!

Matthew rocks!, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

But gives out no hugs for Carl's birthday LOL

Bear attack

Bear attack, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

But a super sweet one. It's Stephen

Feels like -19° Celcius

Feels like -19° Celcius, originally uploaded by haaagendazs.

It’s officially cold